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1. Su W, Mukherjee R, Yaeger R, Son J, Xu J, Na N, Merna Timaul N, Hechtman J, Paroder V, Lin M, Mattar M, Qiu J, Chang Q, Zhao H, Zhang J, Little M, Adachi Y, Han SW, Taylor BS, Ebi H, Abdel-Wahab O, de Stanchina E, Rudin CM, Jänne PA, McCormick F, Yao Z, Rosen N. ARAF protein kinase activates RAS by antagonizing its binding to RASGAP NF1. Mol Cell. 2022 Jul 7;82(13):2443-2457.

2. Su W, Han HH, Wang Y, Zhang B, Zhou B, Cheng Y, Rumandla A, Gurrapu S, Charkraborty G, Su J, Yang G, Liang X, Wang G, Rosen N, Scher HI, Ouerfelli O, Giancotti F. (2019). The Polycomb Repressor Complex 1 drives double-negative prostate cancer metastasis by coordinating stemness and immune suppression. Cancer Cell. 36, 1-17.

3. Yao Z*, Gao Y*, Su W*, Yaeger R, Tao J, Na N, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Rymar A, Tao A, Timaul NM, Mcgriskin R, Outmezguine NA, Zhao H, Chang Q, Qeriqi B, Barbacid M, de Stanchina E, Hyman DM, Bollag G, Rosen N. (2019). RAF inhibitor PLX8394 selectively disrupts BRAF dimers and RAS-independent BRAF-mutant-driven signaling. Nat Med. Feb;25(2):284-291. (*Equal contributors)

4. Su, W. J., Fang, J. S., Cheng, F., Liu, C., Zhou, F., and Zhang, J. (2013). RNF2/Ring1b negatively regulates p53 expression in selective cancer cell types to promote tumor development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 1720-1725.

5. Xu, J., Reznik, E., Lee, H. J., Gundem, G., Jonsson, P…Su W., et al. (2019). Abnormal oxidative metabolism in a quiet genomic background underlies clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma. eLife 8.

6. Yaeger R, Yao Z, Hyman DM, Hechtman JF, Vakiani E, Zhao H, Su W, Wang L, Joelson A, Cercek A, Baselga J, de Stanchina E, Saltz L, Berger MF, Solit DB, Rosen N. (2017). Mechanisms of acquired resistance to BRAF V600E inhibition in colon cancers converge on RAF dimerization and are sensitive to its inhibition. Cancer Res. 77, 6513-6523.

7. Okada, T., Sinha, S., Esposito, I., Schiavon, G., Lopez-Lago, M. A., Su W., Pratilas, C. A., Abele, C., Hernandez, J. M., Ohara, M., et al. (2015). The Rho GTPase Rnd1 suppresses mammary tumorigenesis and EMT by restraining Ras-MAPK signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 17, 81-94.

8. Liu, C., Ma, W., Su, W., and Zhang, J. (2012). Prdm14 acts upstream of islet2 transcription to regulate axon growth of primary motoneurons in zebrafish. Development. 139, 4591-4600.



Giancotti, F., Ouerfelli, O., Su W., Yang, G., Scher, H., Marzabadi, M. Inhibitors of PRC1 for treatment of cancer. WO/2020/264348.