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  • 宏观和个体环境暴露组(exposome) 的生物和化学组分的多样性、以及其在时间空间上的动态变化 (spatiotemporal dynamics);

  • 个体环境暴露组(personalized exposome) 相关的监测技术和可穿戴设备的开发和运用;

  • 泛环境微生物组及微生物从宏观到微观水平的进化动态,种群遗传学;

  • 环境暴露组以及微生物组(microbiome) 与人类疾病健康和环境的相互作用过程及其机理;

  • 环境暴露组和微生物组相关的分子实验技术和计算分析方法的开发以及运用;

  • 泛环境微生物组深度数据挖掘;

  • 多组学及机器学习在精准医学研究的应用;

  • 如果你有感兴趣的基于环境暴露组或者微生物组的研究课题,也非常欢迎与我探讨。

We are continuously exposing to a dynamic and vast collection of environmental exposures everyday, all of which have the potential to directly or indirectly impact our health or even daily activities. Specifically, biological and chemical exposures from air, water, soil, food, and the commensal microbial communities living on and inside us, along with their metabolites, can directly influence our health and disease status. Some of these exposures have been widely recognized, such as the consequences of long-term smoking and drinking. However, due to various reasons, the complexity of these environmental exposures is so far largely understudied, and a systematic view of the spatial-temporal dynamics of these exposures have yet to be achieved. The consequeces of these emerging exposures on human health are still unknown.

Our mission is to change the status quo. Current research directions: 

  • The spatial-temporal dynamics of the biological and chemical exposome;

  • The evolutionary dynamics pan-environmental microbiome;

  • The role of exposome and microbiome in human health;

  • Development of experimental and computational methods for microbiome and exposome research;

  • Development of new wearable devices for exposome monitoring;

  • Deep-mining microbiome data;

  • Application of multi-omics and machine learning in precision medicine;

Link to video:https://www.seeker.com/videos/health/how-your-invisible-exposome-cloud-could-be-messing-with-your-health

Link to reference:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867418311218





    We welcome students and postdocs who share the same interests to explore with us!
